Author Archives: Priana Andreas

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Introducing FSMSSA Voluntary Contributions through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) Program

The FSM Social Security Administration wishes to invite all interested FSM citizens working abroad to participate in the program. Public Law 14-86, which was passed on October 23, 2006, created a new provision within the social security law that would allow a citizen of the FSM working abroad to voluntarily contribute into the system to earn the right to benefits. FSM citizens who are actually working outside of the FSM, Palau or Marshalls can make voluntary contributions. In order for an abroad citizen to apply for Voluntary Contribution through the ACH, our official website – has prepared printable forms to (1) enroll in the program, (2) authorize the transactions, and (3) to authorize retroactive payments.  Once these forms are filled and sent to the main office for processing, FSMSSA will collect their quarterly taxes from their account through online ACH. After every transaction, a receipt will be sent to the contributor while the bank documents the transfer in the contributor’s passbook.

For persons who are self-employed or regular employees outside of the FSM, Republic of Palau and Republic of the Marshall Islands, they may make voluntary contributions to receive quarters of coverage and to accumulate payments to their minimum contribution requirements, even if they are contributing to another Social Security system. The person must make payments to FSM SSA in the FSM, and file a quarterly return. Any person making these voluntary contributions is subject to the same deadlines as any other taxpayer. The person must also pay both the employee and employer’s share of the social security tax. The quarterly earnings are fixed at $1,250.00

It applies also to FSM citizens now.

For persons who are self-employed sole proprietors with no employees in the FSM, which can include farmers and fishermen, and who make less than $10,000.00 per year, may make contributions to the Social Security System. The person will be deemed to make $1,250.00 per quarter, and they must pay the employee and the employer’s share. After January 1, 2013, the payment is $93.75 for the employee’s share and $93.75 for the employer’s share, totaling $187.50 per quarter. Any self-employed person electing to make such voluntary contributions must file quarterly returns and is subject to the same deadlines as any other taxpayer. If revenue received by a self-employed person is $10,000.00 or more, they are subject to the regular mandatory contribution provisions.


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FSMSSA participates in 8th FSM National Women’s Conference

Category : Press Releases

On August 28, 2018, FSMSSA Deputy Administrator Francky Ilai attended the International Women’s conference held in Pohnpei at the College of Micronesia, FSM- China Friendship gym. Every year this conference was held, and women all over Micronesia come together to attend and learn from each other, as well share ideas and issues needed for awareness. This year’s theme was: “Continue to build and support social development that is inclusive for women across FSM”. The objectives of the conference included providing a platform where women from the four states can come together and engage in discussions on matters/issues affecting them, to have a forum where FSM national and state level stakeholders can harmonize their understanding and status of women’s issues in relation to different policy frameworks at the national, regional and international level and to unify the collective efforts of the country’s response to resolving women’s issues, and to engage the participants of the forum with resource people in different fields to uplift the level of understanding and support for women and girls in FSM. Deputy Administrator Ilai made a presentation that touched on issues relevant to women as stakeholder in Social Security. Generally he shared the history of the program since its establishment, along with its financial status and performances. He further touched on the types of benefits offered and specifics of eligibilities. Part of the presentation was based on taxes paid. Ilai as well shared the challenges the program had been or is faced with, as shown in the diagram below.

After all, questions were then raised for clarifications.


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FSMSSA Administrator presents at R&D Conference

Category : Press Releases

FSM Social Security Administrator Alexander R. Narruhn attended the FSM Resources and Development Conference at the Pohnpei State Governor’s Conference Hall on August 15, 2018. It was a nation-wide meeting coordinated by the Department of Resource and Development, involving relevant offices at both national and state levels, with participation from civil society and the private sector, to address issues impeding concerted efforts for social and economic development in the FSM. The objective of the conference emphasized the need to work together for better results.

The purpose of the conference resulted in the need to sharing ideas and agreeing on specific means to contribute toward coordinated implementation of activities to support our overall goals for social and economic development. In line with that, it occurred that presentations were given by different government agencies, both national and state levels, as well as other NGO’s.

The FSMSSA Administrator delivered his presentation on overall operations of the program. He touched on the history of the FSM Social Security and discussed the financial statements, wage earner counts and the history of Social Security taxes. The history of Social Security Program went way back since 1968 with its establishment under Trust Territory times. Fifteen years later after the dissolution of the Trust Territory Times, it then became the FSM Social Security Administration. Its governing body consisted of the Board of Trustees, a representative from each State level, as well a National representative and Administrator as Ex-Officio. There are 6,000 plus beneficiaries today. As a matter of fact, benefits paid out were always higher than tax paid in. Therefore, the FSMSSA tax division with its regulations are ongoing with their collections even with the challenge of the delinquents and so forth.




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Board of Trustees Member- Kosrae represent

Category : Board News , Press Releases

Mr. Nena C. Ned of Kosrae State was confirmed by the FSM 20th Congress to serve as member of the Federated States of Micronesia Social Security Board of Trustees, representing the state of Kosrae. Pursuant to section 701 of Title 53 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, the President shall appoint the members of the Board of Trustees for the FSM Social Security Board, subject to the advice and consent of congress. Mr. Ned has professional experience and qualifications which make him a suitable candidate to serve as a member of the FSM Social Security Board of Trustees. He was once a long time member of the program Board of Trustees in 1997 to 2003. Mr. Ned not only served as Board member to FSMSSA, but also to other entities in both the State and National level back then. Additionally, he had worked for the nation ever since 1980’s and presently he is the General Manager for Kosrae State Terminal & Stevedoring Company. Obviously, he had been serving the FSM and State government for a long time now. Mr. Nena Ned owns a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice along with other certifications of accomplishments. Personally, Mr. Ned’s hobbies include fishing and baseball.


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FSMSSA Administrator joins Leadership Conference in Pollap

Category : Press Releases

FSM Social Security Administrator participated in the Northwest Leadership Conference in Pollap, Chuuk on April 9-11, 2018. Present at the conference were Congress Speaker Simina, Congressman Robson U. Romolow (representative of Northwest Islands), traditional and government leaders of Chuuk State. Administrator Narruhn was invited by Speaker Simina to participate in the event, whereas, a presentation on Social Security matters was presented. Administrator Narruhn presented on the types of benefits offered, which included Retirement, Disability, Spouse and Children, Lump Sum and Foreigners. The processes for each claim were as well presented as well as eligibility criteria on each certain type of benefit. Questions and concerns were raised from the public regards to claim processing and other uncertainties including the number of beneficiaries benefiting from the system as up to date. Currently, FSMSSA is serving 6,640 plus beneficiaries.


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FSM Social Security hosting Administrator’s Conference

Category : Press Releases

The unity conference between 3 Social Security Administrations, namely FSMSSA, ROPSSA, ROPCSPP and MISSA took place in Pohnpei on May 17-18, 2018. Present at the conference were MISSA reps including Administrator Saane Aho, Deputy Administrator & COO Bill Joseph, IT Manager Jr. Joseph and Amelia Timon, Finance Manager. ROPSSA was represented by its Information System Specialist Mr. Jonathan U. Eberdong and Mr. Elliot Udui from the Palau Civil Service Pension Plan (CSPP). FSMSSA Administrator Alexander R. Narruhn and Deputy Francky Ilai were both present along with other staff including Internal Auditor Win Thomas, Tax Admin. Officer Catherine Jonas, IT Manager Midion Neth Jr., Pohnpei Branch Manager Leon Panuelo Jr., Claim Officer Kerman Alten, Comptroller Teresita Dayao, and Executive Assistant Luan Laverne Gilmete. At its onset, Chairman of FSMSSA Board of Trustees Mr. Jack Harris conveyed the welcoming remarks by welcoming everyone and shared the happy day’s greetings to everyone present, then guided the conference to proceed. Following self introductions, the first presentation was given by FSMSSA Deputy focusing on the system’s operations and financial status, even specifically to all its functions serving its beneficiaries and all citizens of the FSM. Exchange of ideas and discussions of unclear business took place as well. When there seemed to be misunderstandings, questions were then raised and exchange of ideas was done. Following FSMSSA was the presentation from ROP, Civil Service Pension Plan (CSPP) delivered by Mr. Udui. As mentioned, the CSPP is a defined benefit program and membership of the plan refers to Palauans and Micronesians who are employed by the National and State Government. In place of a Social Security plan in Palau, they also have this pension plan. No difference than the other Social Security pensions, requirements seemed to be similar. The last presentation for the day was given by the MISSA Administrator Saane Aho sharing almost the same topics from previous presentation along with theirs system’s struggles and hardships. Discussion on their reforms and experience studies was shared as well as its results. There was then another discussion and exchange of ideas on management and so on. Conference was back in session and was opened with the Database Migration presentation given by ROPSSA rep, IT Manager Jonathan. The presentation was focused on the new database migration, that both MISSA and FSMSSA were interested going the same path, when ROPSSA has completed their project. It was obvious that the database migration is being worked on by ROPSSA, so the presentation was to help promote the positivity and handful of the new database compared to what is being used now. With the agreement being made between the two Social Security Administrators, when ROPSSA is completed with their migration project in March, training should take place and there will be sharing for the cost as well. ROPSSA would be migrating to the new database by March 2019, so by then they would be ready to show, and have FSMSSA and MISSA hook up. Until then, training for the new Database shall be ready, as the migrated system will be in place. A round table discussion took place after the presentation where they exchanged questions and answers regarding the Database Migration. All ended with an understanding of what was being discussed. Last presentation of the day was on Investments, delivered by Mr. Ross Fowler, CEO, fi360 Pacific, who assists with the Assessment for FSMSSA Portfolio. Mr. Fowler advised all Social Security Programs on how to assess themselves for improvements. All representatives from MISSA, FSMSSA, ROPCSPP came to an agreement that next meeting/conference should be held in Palau, after the Migration of new Database. It was quite clear why Palau should be the next host following the idea that by that time, the Database should be up and running and it could be a good chance for MISSA and FSMSSA to actually see the completed system while in Palau.


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FSMSSA selects Mr. Jimmy Mori as Chuuk Branch Manager

Category : Press Releases


The position of Chuuk Branch Manager was vacant beginning of June 2018 due to the retirement of previous Manager, Mr. Domingko Asor. After a careful selection done by FSMSSA administration, Mr. Jimmy Mori was fortunate to be the individual that best suits the position. His qualifications and especially experience of work in the field of Social Security terms exceeds, leading him to become the new Branch Manager. Mr. Mori was hired at Chuuk Branch Social Security office on November 19, 2001, as the Technical Specialist. He was tasked to be the Assistant Branch Manager for a while until he became the Branch Manager on June 18, 2018. Jimmy had shown dedication and effort in his line of work ever since he began serving the system. With all that, all was paid off that he is now the new Chuuk Branch Manager. Jimmy is a very outgoing and caring person with a personality that shines among his family, friends and colleagues. He has a heart to serve the elders of the FSM, especially the beneficiaries of Social Security. FSMSSA congratulates new Chuuk Branch Manager, Mr. Jimmy Mori.


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Chuuk State Branch Manager Domingko Asor retires in 2018

Category : Press Releases

Domingko Asor served FSM Social Security Administration as Branch Manager for Chuuk Branch Office over 6 years. He began working for the program on February 13, 2012. Upon reaching age 65 in June of 2018, Mr. Asor is now retired and no longer serving the FSM Social Security Administration. With 6 years of service, Mr. Asor showed loyalty and dedication in his line of work as the Branch Manager in years. He opted to manage Chuuk Branch office with care and served the people of Chuuk as satisfactory defines. The struggles of a Manager were not easy, yet he managed to serve until his retirement. FSMSSA wishes to convey humble gratitude to Mr. Asor for all the dedicated services contributed to the program and all the people of Chuuk over the past 6 years. Mr. Asor remains part of the program still, as he is now a full time beneficiary to be receiving monthly benefits.

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FSM Social Security Administration hires new Office Assistant at Yap Branch Office

Category : Press Releases

Vivian Jade Ribilyan Guwaathag of Yap is the current Office Assistant at Yap Branch effective March 2018. The Office Assistant is to assist the Branch Manager and other Branch staff in ensuring that the Branch operates effectively, efficiently and competently and provides quality services or good customer relations with all dealing with the branch, either in person or by electronic communication. The Office Assistant reports directly to the State Branch Manager.

Twenty three years old Vivian graduated from St. Mary and continued four years at Yap Seventh Day Adventist (SDA), where she attained her high school diploma. She then attended College of Micronesia Yap Campus, and majored in Business Administration. While in college, she began her work experience as part of the work study program in college, being a cashier at the college snack shop and later an office assistant in the student services department. Pertaining to being hired, she was working as a cashier at a local store in her community.

Vivian, like many other also has goal to finding a job opportunity. Being hired by the FSMSSA was a great opportunity, which she looked forward to becoming a productive employee in servicing the citizens of the nation. In doing so, she had been greatly motivated to develop the skills she had, along with the new skills so that she may successfully perform her duties with outstanding results. Being productive as an employee, Vivian also hoped to become a positive impact in the system as an Office Assistant.

Upon being hired, Vivian mentioned, “I feel honored and blessed. I am most proud to be working for my people”. She felt motivated to deliver good outcomes, and would put all the effort she had for the job to be effective and helpful to the people.