Author Archives: Priana Andreas

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FSMSSA Prior Service receives Technical Assistance Grant

Category : Prior Service

          On March 10, 2017, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Insular Areas, Nikolao Pula of Washington DC approved three technical assistance grants totaling over $1.7 million. According to Acting Secretary Pula, these funds demonstrate support for commitments and important programs which continue to benefit people in the U.S. territories and the Freely Associated States. Pula further shared that the Department of Interior for Insular Areas continues to work closely with the governors of the U.S territories and the presidents of the Free Associated States (FAS) to make sure that U.S. taxpayer dollars are used correctly and in the Nation’s best interest.

FSM Social Security Prior Service Trust Fund Administration (PSTFA) received the first technical assistance grant in the amount of $865,800. This grant continues funding employee benefits under the terms of the Prior Service Trust Fund, a responsibility assumed by the Federal Government following the dissolution of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (TTPI). The program allows the Free Associated States governments and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands pay the benefits to former TTPI employees plus cover PSTFA expenses.

The FSM Social Security Administration is always thankful to the U.S. Department of Interior for its continuous support in contributing to the Prior Service Trust Fund Administration, a grant that contributes more assistance to the TTPI employees in the program.

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FSM Social Security Administrator and Deputy Administrator attended 16th Pacific Region Investment Conference (PRIC)

Category : Press Releases

Administrator Alexander R. Narruhn and Deputy Administrator Francky Ilai  attended  the Asia Pacific Association for  Fiduciary Studies (APAFS), a non-for-profit educational and charitable association dedicated to helping fiduciaries to gather, grow, and protect assets being managed by providing the education to make better investment and business decisions. Its flagship event, the Pacific Region Investment Conference (PRIC), is widely considered a premier event in the Asia-Pacific region for fiduciaries seeking insights from industry experts from around the globe and building a network of like-minded professionals. Upon attending APAFS this year, FSMSSA recognizes Administrator Narruhn for achieving his certification of Master AIF and for currently being a member of Board of Governor’s on APAFS. Moreover, recognition also goes out to Deputy Ilai for his AIF Designation, which he had passed with an overwhelming success.  With the more knowledge and skills gained, FSMSSA  trusts in its longevity.  Congratulations Gentlemen for the success, which is believed to be a benefit to the system and its people.