Category Archives: Board News

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Board of Trustees Member- Kosrae represent

Category : Board News , Press Releases

Mr. Nena C. Ned of Kosrae State was confirmed by the FSM 20th Congress to serve as member of the Federated States of Micronesia Social Security Board of Trustees, representing the state of Kosrae. Pursuant to section 701 of Title 53 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, the President shall appoint the members of the Board of Trustees for the FSM Social Security Board, subject to the advice and consent of congress. Mr. Ned has professional experience and qualifications which make him a suitable candidate to serve as a member of the FSM Social Security Board of Trustees. He was once a long time member of the program Board of Trustees in 1997 to 2003. Mr. Ned not only served as Board member to FSMSSA, but also to other entities in both the State and National level back then. Additionally, he had worked for the nation ever since 1980’s and presently he is the General Manager for Kosrae State Terminal & Stevedoring Company. Obviously, he had been serving the FSM and State government for a long time now. Mr. Nena Ned owns a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice along with other certifications of accomplishments. Personally, Mr. Ned’s hobbies include fishing and baseball.


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FSMSS Board of Trustees Meets for CY2017 Annual Investment Review

Category : Board News , Press Releases

Annually, the board meets to review the FSMSS investment portfolio with its investment consulting firm, Raymond James. During the meeting, the performance metrics for the previous year are reviewed in detail and presentations are heard from the portfolio’s investment managers. The portfolio has the usual asset classes including US equities, US fixed income, international equities and two alternative investment classes. These classes are further broken down into eight sub classes to allow for the most optimum diversity to ensure that the portfolio achieves a nominal return rate of 7.5% while keeping risk at an acceptable level.

The Annual Investment Review for CY2017 took place in Guam on February 8 and 9, 2018. Present at the meeting were Chairman of the Board and representative of Pohnpei, Jack Harris; Vice-chairman of the Board and representative of Yap, Vincent Tafileluw; representative of the National Government, Kohsak Keller; representative of Chuuk, Nakama Sana; and Administrator Alexander R. Narruhn serving as ex-officio member.
Daniel Roland and Jayson Miyashita of Asia Pacific Group, Raymond James facilitated the meeting as the portfolio’s full time investment consultants.

As of December 31, 2017, the portfolio was valued at $51,456,340 after a stellar year that saw a gain of 15.26%. This rate of return outperformed the policy index which was at 12.15% and exceeded the portfolio’s target performance of 7.5%. The best performing asset classes were stocks or equities which performed quite well during the year in the market overall. 2017 was also a good year for international equities which saw a rate of return of 27.46%.

The money managers that the board met with included representatives from Winslow Capital, Aristotle Capital Management, Tortoise Capital, Renaissance Investment Management, Adelante Capital Management and Garcia Hamilton & Associates.

During the meeting, the board decided to terminate the services of small/mid-capitalization core equity manager Golden Capital Management due to the fact that it had not sent representatives to the annual investment review for the second year in a row. The board decided to transfer 5% of the portfolio under Golden Capital Management to Renaissance Investment Management for investment in the international equity space and authorized the remainder of the funds with Golden Capital Management to be invested in the small/mid-capitalization core index.
The board members were pleased with the performance of the portfolio and encouraged the investment consultant and money managers to continue in their efforts to ensure that the portfolio continued to meet its target earnings.

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FSM Social Security Board of Trustees and Administrator attends APAFS 2017

Category : Board News , Press Releases

The Asia Pacific Association for Fiduciary Studies (APAFS) is a Guam based 501(c)3 non-profit educational and charitable association. APAFS was founded in 2000 by a forward thinking group of fiduciaries representing public and private institutional funds from throughout the diverse geographical area of the Asia Pacific
Region. Every year, FSM Social Security Board of Trustees and Administrator came in attendance to the 17th PRIC conferences. As the building body of the system, it had been a priority to extend their knowledge in every corner possible. They attended the educational expertise with APAFS to build more understanding and familiarize with the standards of practice among fiduciaries to continue the care for funds within the Social Security System. As an outcome to attending such conferences, FSMSSA looks forward to their more accomplishments in their learning process as to become AIF designees. The goal of APAFS is to raise the level of understanding and standards of practice among fiduciaries in the region by providing educational programs and opportunities, so that they may provide the most prudent stewardship of the funds entrusted to their care.

As a result, FSMSSA Administrator Alexander R. Narruhn is currently serving as a member of APAFS Board of Governors.

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FSMSSA Board of Trustees holds its 4th Regular Meeting

Category : Board News , Press Releases

FSMSSA Board of Trustees 4th regular meeting was held on December 4, 2017 . All board members including Chairman Jack Harris, Vice-Chairman Vincent Tafileluw, member Nakama Sana, member Kohsak Keller and ex-officio Administrator Narruhn were present including two FSMSSA staff, Comptroller Teresita Dayao and IT Manager Midion Neth Jr. The agenda was met as they entertained new business, which was based on Calendar Year 2018 proposed budget and very crucial items which needed discussion. The meeting followed the Board’s usual Agenda. Administrator Narruhn did an update, briefing the history of the system. The FSMSSA is one of the successor systems from the former Trust Territory Social Security System that closed its operation on March 31, 1988. The FSMSSA began its full operation on January 1, 1988. It is financed by employer/employee contributions at a rate of 7.5% each effective January 01, 2013. National, State, Municipal Governments and all private employers incorporated or doing businesses in the FSM are subject to social security tax. Effective January 01, 2018, the quarterly taxable wage will be increased to $8000. It is estimated that an additional tax collection of $143,850 will be generated from the increased quarterly taxable wage. The FSMSSA provides four basic benefits; retirement, disability, surviving spouse and surviving children’s benefits. The average monthly benefit payment for the ten-month period ending October 31, 2017 was $1,723,763 compared to $1,658,065 for CY 2016 or an average of 4% increase. Furthermore, the challenge remains, where every year benefit payments increase, therefore FSMSSA tries its best to make accommodations that would assist the longevity of the program. FSMSSA continues to assume responsibility for the Prior Service Trust Fund to its citizens even with the continuous funding by the US Congress and Department of Interior, and Insular Affairs. Department of Interior approved the funding request presented by PS Administrator Jerry Facey and Administrator Narruhn in May 2016, on behalf of all beneficiaries, for a cost of living allowance for all recipients of the Prior Service Program. The minimum benefit per month was increased from $27 to $50. In addition, Department of Interior also approved an ongoing annual cost of living adjustment of 3%. Funds received under the PSTF for the ten month ending October 31, 2017 amounted to $312,100 while benefits paid for the same period totaled to $227.793. The program awaits two pending bills in place, therefore if passed, the system shall have a sustainable future. An important matter also discussed was based on the planning and construction of a new office, which by now, the lot is in place. Other dreams came upon as, if the new building comes in place, another 5 year planning will be at hand, which is to accommodate a Credit Union within the new HQ office for our beneficiaries and participants. The Credit Union in a sense will benefit both the program and its people. At the offset, the highlights of FSMSSA financial report and Tax report were shared and discussed.

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FSMSS Board of Trustees Meets for its 3rd Regular Meeting of 2017

Category : Board News , Press Releases

For its third regular meeting of the year, the FSM Social Security Board of Trustees met in Pohnpei on September 9 and then continued the rest of its meeting in Kosrae on September 13.

The meeting was originally scheduled to take place in Kosrae, however, the board felt it prudent to attend to appeal cases which had been recently submitted from the state of Pohnpei.

Present at the meeting were Chairman Jack Harris representing Pohnpei, Vice-chairman Vincent Tafileluw representing Yap, Trustee Nakama Sana representing Chuuk, Trustee Kohsak Keller representing the National Government and Administrator Alexander R. Narruhn, serving as ex-officio member.

The major item on the agenda was a number of amendments to the law which Administrator Alexander R. Narruhn had come up with to combat the ongoing challenge of benefit payouts exceeding tax collections. Among the changes was an amendment to the tax provisions to allow collection of social security taxes from fishing vessels within the FSM waters. Early estimates indicated that this would net an additional $1.755 million in yearly tax collections. The administrator said the additional collections would go a long way in helping the program’s shortfall between collections and payouts.

As far back as the mid 2000s, the administration had been withdrawing funds from its Trust Fund to cover the shortfall. The FSM National Government had also been injecting funds into the system for the same purpose. The amendments were aimed at bridging the gap between collections and payouts thereby lessening the need for constant investment withdrawals. The other amendments include placing a cap on benefits, eliminating the taxable wage base, giving more options for retirees and other changes that were designed to help the administration in its efforts to make the system more sustainable.

Narruhn revealed to the board that he would be submitting another bill to congress for a $10 million loan from the National Government. This amount would be invested and earnings from this portfolio would help cover the difference between collections and benefits.

The board expressed its support of the amendments and encouraged the administration to finalize and submit the bills as soon as feasible.

For the last item of the agenda, the administration presented to the board the financial statements and tax collection report for the previous quarter.

The Chairman of the Board, Jack Harris, expressed his gratitude for a successful meeting. The other members echoed this sentiment.

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FSM Social Security Board of Trustees holds 1st Regular Meeting 2017

Category : Board News

FSM Social Security Board of Trustees had its 1st quarter meeting beginning the year 2017 as its usual ongoing method. Every year, four regular meetings shall convene, along with special meetings when necessary. For first quarter 2017, they had met to tackle the usual issues or businesses needed to be taken care of during each quarter. The Board of Trustees for FSMSSA is usually a body of 6 people; 4 representatives from each state, a national government representative and Administrator as Ex-Officio member. Currently there are empty seats within the governing body of the system, due to members being resigned for crucial reasons. On board now the system holds 3 members including the Administrator. In its first quarter meeting, the Board heard the Annual Investment Portfolio review and decides on its money managers. Decisions were made upon either to keep certain groups of managers or put them on watch or move out from under them. For instance, Winslow was put on watch due to their underperformance compared to their benchmark over the last three years. In line with that, the Board also assessed the other managers carefully to make sure the system stays in good hands. The Board further discussed other pending businesses about Social Security employees in regards to financials. These meetings had to tackle every inch of every need within the program regardless. It was another time for each member to do their reports as well be updated with FSMSSA reports regarding Financials, Collections and other crucial updates. In its interest of time, the Board also allot time for Appeal Hearings in the state where the need arose. FSMSSA Board of Trustees had hoped for better ends to their meetings, which in fact had been a plus for the outcomes. With timely updates as is, it is believed that the Board of Trustees for FSM Social Security strives for the betterment of the program for the sake of all its people near and far.