
Policy No. AP-800

Policy No. AP-800 was approved by the FSM Social Security Administration Board of Trustees on June 3, 2004. The policy’s purpose is to streamline the processing of certain documents and forms and to establish a fee schedule for these documents and forms. This policy will go into effect on September 1, 2004.

The fees will compliment the administrative costs of printing and reproduction of these documents and forms. The fees will be collected in the following manner:

1. FSM Social Security Cards:


  • Employees – $3.00
  • Beneficiaries and/or Surv. Child(ren) – $2.00
  • Students and/or minors – $1.00
  • Others – $3.00

2. FSM Social Security Employer’s Identification Card:

  • Government sectors – $10.00
  • Private sectors – $10.00
  • Domestic employers – $5.00

3. Request for Allotments::

  • Each allotment – $5.00
  • Any changes made thereafter – $5.00

4. Change of Address: (Initial address on the SS Benefit Application form is free of charge.)

  • First change of address – $5.00
  • Each change thereafter – $5.00


2024 Beneficiary Survey Questionnaires for abroad recipients only, recipients in the FSM will have to visit the branch offices for their survey questionnaires.